JOBI the Moon Fox
序章 3 - 逐漸消失的國王 與 牠的請求
序章 3 - 逐漸消失的國王 與 牠的請求
JOBI 國王感覺在故作輕鬆地把一點也不輕鬆的事情告訴我。
「我們狐狸啊,是需要依靠彼此的記憶來提煉生存能量的。換句話說,要是我們被遺忘的話,便等於無法收集能量。而我們的身體將會逐漸變得透明,直至完全消失。」聽著 JOBI 國王解釋的同時,我看見牠胸前的透明部份正在慢慢擴散......
「小妹妹,你不必幫我做什麼喔。你答應了跟我成為朋友,就已經證明我一直以來的想法是正確的。那我就再沒有遺憾啦!不過......我還未知道你的名字就是。」JOBI 國王向我伸手示好。
「我叫 Mei......」我立刻握緊牠那開始被透明蔓延的手臂,慌怕錯過的話就無法再觸摸了。
「Mei,我答應過會帶你參觀我的王國,事不宜遲,我們馬上出發吧!」JOBI 國王高興地拉著我,不帶半點傷感。
在短短的大半天,我跟 JOBI 國王一起參觀過月球上最巨型的狹谷,也登上了最高的山峰,還玩了一次月球史上首次人類跟狐狸捉迷藏。
「Mei,我覺得只能跟你當一天的朋友真是太可惜了。你還會想回來這裡跟我玩嗎?」JOBI 國王的聲音開始變得依稀。
不知道是淚水阻擋著視線,還是 JOBI 國王真的快要完全變成透明的關係,當時我只能隱約看見牠的身體。
「當我消失之後,再過一段時間,這裡將會有另一隻狐狸誕生。到時你會願意回來為牠命名嗎?」JOBI 國王再次握住我的手,好讓我知道牠仍然在我身邊。
「好,我一定會回來的!」我勉強自己做出一個不會讓 JOBI 國王擔心的笑臉。
「謝謝你,Mei。你是個十分特別的女孩,能夠認識你真是太好了。請不要忘記我喔!掰掰......」JOBI 國王跟我道別之後化成了一顆光點,引領著我一路回到月光通道後才完全熄滅。
-Ms. Traveller
JOBI the Moon Fox
Prologue 3 - The Proof of Existence and the Request from the King
'I'd be gone very soon, probably, haha!'
JOBI the King pretended to be delightful while telling me a harsh truth.
'Gone...? What does that mean? Are you dying?' 7-year-old me was not able to understand at all.
'Foxes like us gain energy from the memories of each other. In another words, once we have been forgotten, we will not be able to gain energy anymore. Our bodies will become transparency... then disappear.' The transparent part on JOBI the King's body was spreading.
'So... so how much time is left until you disappear completely? How... how can I help you?' I asked in panic. It's my first encounter with 'disappearing fox thing'.
'Dear, you don't have to do anything for me. I am contented, as I am able to prove my belief before I am gone. Thank you for being my friend! But I haven't known your name yet!' JOBI the King held his hand towards me.
'I'm Mei...' I grabbed his hand eagerly, fearing that I wouldn't be able to touch him again if I missed it.
'Hello, Mei. Hope you will have a great day here! I promised to take you on a tour in my kingdom, Let's not waste anymore time!' JOBI the King said with excitement, without any bit of sadness.
JOBI the King and I visited the largest valley and the highest mountain, also played the very first human-vs-fox hide and seek on the moon.
By the end of the day , we sat on a hill side by side and talked.
'Mei, I wished we could spend more time together, it's so sad that we had got only one day. Would you like to come again and play with me?' The voice if JOBI the King started to become unclear.
'But you...'
I wondered if it's my tears or JOBI the King were almost gone, I could merely see its body.
'After I have disappeared, years later in here, another fox will be born. May I ask you to name it?' JOBI the King hold my hands again to let me know its existence.
'Sure, I promised. I will be back!' I forced a smile.
'Thank you, Mei. You are a very unique girl. I'm so glad to meet you, please, never forget me!!Bye bye,..' JOBI the King waved me goodbye before it turned into a light ball and led me back to the moonlight tunnel. Finally it disappeared completely.
This was my first encounter with a fox.
After getting back on earth, my health became better. I tried to go to school with other kids. I felt like I was reborn when I stepped out of my room.
The only thing that never changed was I would still look at the full and bright moon every night.
Five years later, on my 12th birthday, I saw the moon tunnel again.
-Ms. Traveller