2018年7月22日 星期日

JOBI the Moon Fox - The Neverending Stor - Chapter 6

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 6




















尤記得跟他相遇那天下著大雨,因此我稱呼他為 「RAIN」。那也是我第一次給予狐狸名字......


無知而冷酷無情狐狸們,你們就是原罪。讓我來取走你們的生命能源,並以 RAIN 的身體把它淨化,那才是你們的救贖。



JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 6

There’s a misfortune called ‘the original sin’ in this world. 

For some reason, I was born unable to name foxes. Even when I try to name the newborns, their coat still won’t transform into their own colours. 

When the clan knew about my ‘flaw’, they started to think of me as an ominous fox and blamed me for a lot of accidents and natural disasters. 

Without a choice, I stayed away from everyone and moved to the edge of the village to live my life in solitude. 

Then I met him. And my life is changed forever. 

“Hello! What’s your name?”

When I was looking for food in the forest as usual at an evening with heavy rain, an unnamed newborn fox said hello to me. That’s the first time a fox had spoken to me since I moved to the edge of the village. 

I didn’t respond and quietly continued on my own path. 

“Can you give me a name?”

Yet, his request made me paused in surprise. I don’t know whether it’s the will to survive but this newborn unexpectedly requested for a name himself. 

“Please? I can feel myself disappearing...”

The newborn continued begging. 

I quickly picked him up and ran to the village I have distanced myself from a long time ago. However, as soon as they saw me, the villagers ran away. Some of them even threw stones at me, ignoring the fact that I’m holding onto an innocent newborn. 

“Please, anyone. Please name the child!” In order to let the newborn have a completed life, I endured the pain from being hit by stones and continued begging for help. Until I heard a villager shouted.

“An ominous fox will only bring more misfortunes! Don’t name the fox!”

At this moment, all my rationality left me and I broke down. My vision suddenly went black, and I wasn’t fully conscious of what’s happening. Then, strange things happened one after another. 

A glowing giant a black orb emerged from my hands and the villagers who attacked me dropped to the ground in a chilly wind. Then their bodies turned translucent!

After regaining full consciousness, I was absolutely stunned and terrified by the scene in front of me. All I can do is to flee with the newborn. While I was running away with all my strength that’s left, I vaguely heard myself being declared exiled, forever forbidden to return to the clan. 

After I realised my ‘flaw’ had ‘evolved’. I developed a magic that can take other’s life forces and was able to transfer it to the newborn, so that he can continue living without being named. 

In particular, I remembered that it was raining heavily on the day we met, so I called him “RAIN”. That is the first time I gave a fox its name. 

There’s a misfortune called ‘the original sin’ in this world. 

Ignorant and cold-hearted foxes, you are the original sin. Let me take your life forces and cleanse it through RAIN’s body. This will be your salvation. 


JOBI the Moon Fox - The Neverending Story - Chapter 5

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 5

為了拯救 SORA 以及讓 JOBI 的身體回復正常,我們必須盡快把事情的始作俑者 - 魔法師 VICTOR 找出來。

位於宿舍附近的森林入口,本來一向讓人感覺平靜和諧,今天卻瀰漫著一股詭異陰沉的氣氛。而且愈是踏進森林深處,霧氣就愈多。幸好 LINUS 跟 LULU 的身體跟櫻老大一樣能夠發出微光,我們一行人才不至走散


「是 SORA!」LINUS 跟 LULU 異口同聲說道。作為櫻老大分身的他們一眼就認出來了。




這個時候,一個飛快的黑影突然從草地旁邊的大樹上衝過來!我幸好得到 LEILA 的提醒才能夠及時跳後避開。

黑影隨後站在光球前面,我亦總算能夠看見他的真面目 – 他身穿破爛的黑色披肩,額頭上有一個奇怪的紋章。一雙深紅色的眼晴彷彿埋藏著強烈的怨念。加上透明的黑色身體與烈焰色的雙臂,讓人感覺深不可測。

「果然是你!VICTOR,你......為何會在這裡出現的?」LEILA 捏緊拳頭向 VICTOR 大聲喝問道。

「這裡有很多狐狸,我是為此而來的。」VICTOR 沉著回答,不帶任何語氣。

「你究竟有什麼目的?為何要捉走 SORA?」我在發問的同時暗地搖動鈴鐺以提取電力,準備再次營救 SORA。

怎料,彷彿看穿了我想法的 VICTOR 隨即從手中釋放出另一個黑色光球。



「唓,果然是雷神族的狐狸嗎?不過還是太幼嫩了。」VICTOR 一次過從雙手釋放出兩顆光球!可是這次我已經來不及提取電力了。沒辦法下只好立刻跑到 LEILA 跟兩隻小狐狸前面充當他們的防護!




一把清脆的聲音突然叫停了 VICTOR。衝著而至的兩顆光球在我們面前𣊬間消失。

我回頭看見聲音的主人慢慢從一顆大樹後走出來。想不到竟然是一隻下半身近乎完全透明的黑色小狐狸。他的外表跟 VICTOR 差不多,額頭上亦擁有跟他相同的紋章。

「呃......!」黑色小狐狸看來十分虛弱,他走不到兩步就不支半蹲下來。VICTOR 立刻衝上前扶住他。


VICTOR 說畢,森林裡的霧氣隨即聚集起來。他們亦就此連同困住 SORA 的光球在霧中消失......




JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 5

In order to save SORA and restore JOBI’s body, we must find the one who’s responsible for all this, VICTOR, the magician. 

The forest entrance near the dorm, normally calm and peaceful, exuded a dark and eerie sensation today. The further we ventured into the forest, the foggier it became. Luckily, LINUS and LULU’s bodies gave out a soft glow similar to Sir Cherry Blossom’s, otherwise we might’ve gotten lost.

We followed a fresh trail through the thick bushes until we reached a meadow emitting a blue glow. At the centre of the meadow, a floating glowing black orb held a seemingly unconscious transparent little fox prisoner.

“It’s SORA!” LINUS and LULU said in unison. As Sir Cherry Blossom’s doubles, they recognised SORA instantly. 

I immediately rang the bells I was carrying and let the electricity course through my body, preparing to break the glowing orb. 


“MONITOR, look out!”

At this moment, a black shadow charged at me from a tree at the edge of the meadow. I barely managed to dodge it by jumping back when I heard LEILA’s warning. 

The black shadow landed in front of the orb. That’s when I finally got a clear look at his face. He wore a black tattered shawl and bore a strange tattoo on his forehead. Within his deep red eyes, a strong sense of hatred is struggling to claw its way to the surface. With his black translucent body and fiery red arms, he seems mysterious and strange. 

“It’s you! VICTOR, why are you... here?” LEILA asked VICTOR accusingly, squeezing her fists tight. 

“There’re a lot of foxes here. I came for them.” Victor answered matter-of-factly, keeping his face free of emotions. 

“What do you want? Why did you take SORA?” While I was speaking, I rang my bells secretly to channel the electricity again in another attempt to save SORA. 

However, VICTOR seemed to see through me and released another black ball of light from his hand before I’m prepared. 

“I need more life energy. Now give me all of yours!”

He fired the glowing orb towards us. In the face of imminent danger, I had to release all the stored electricity. The two forces collided in midair, and cancelled each other out with a string of explosions. 

“Ha, you’re a fox from the Raijin clan? But, you’re still so inexperienced.” VICTOR released two orbs in one shot from his hands. But this time, I don’t have enough time to draw any electricity. Without a second thought, I ran in front of LEILA and the two little foxes and used myself as a shield to protect them.

My heart was racing and my hair stood on its end. These are signals of danger from my body. 

And just when I clenched my teeth, and crossed my arms to shield myself from the impact...

“VICTOR! Please stop!”

A clear and crisp voice stopped VICTOR. The hurtling glowing orbs suddenly disappeared in front of us. 

I turned and saw that the owner of the voice slowly walks out from behind a tree. To my surprise, it's a little black fox. The lower half of his body is almost completely transparent. His appearance is very much like VICTOR's, with the same mark on his forehead. 

"Oh...!" The little black fox looked very weak. His knees gave out after taking two steps. VICTOR immediately rushed over to help him. 

"... I'll let you go today."

Just as VICTOR finished, the fog started to gather in the forest, and they vanished into the fog along with SORA in the orb. 

Things are becoming more complicated and mysterious. Unanswered questions lingered in my mind like the dense fog in the forest and clouded my mind for a very time.