在還沒開始上狐狸學校的時候,我喜歡在櫻老大熟睡之後, 偷偷地跑出來闖蕩冒險。
記得有一天晚上,月亮比平時更大更圓。月光正好把樹林旁 邊那條小河映照得閃閃發亮。正當我想跑進河裡玩耍時,我 看見一隻金黃色的狐狸站在河中心,他的額頭上有個下弦月 標記。
「你......你好喔!我們.....可以交朋友嗎? 」金黃色狐狸從他隨身帶著的小瓶中掏了一粒綠色的星型小 石出來,靦腆地遞給我。
「這個......是什麼?」小石頭晶瑩剔透,十分漂亮 ,而且帶著一點果香。
「這叫糖果喔。」金黃色狐狸又拿了一粒放進口中,我隨即 也把自己的吃下。
「嗚哇好味道!哇哇哇哇好甜喔!」我被那種爆炸性的清甜 果味刺激得手舞足蹈。
「嘻嘻......再給你試試,這是草莓味的。」他再遞 上一粒給我,這次是紅色的糖果。同樣也是超.級.美.味 啊!
「那......我們可以當朋友嗎?」金黃狐狸向前踏出 一小步。
「當然可以喔!我叫 SORA,你叫什麼名字?」我最喜歡交朋友了。
「我叫 JOBI。」JOBI 看起來鬆了口氣。
「多多指教啊 JOBI!」我教 JOBI 捏起拳頭,跟我的拳頭互碰。那是男生之間友情的證明。
那是我第一次品嚐「糖果」這種零食,也是我跟 JOBI 的初次相遇。
Before attending Foxford College, I used to sneak out after Mr Cherry Blossom fell asleep.
There was a night the moon was fuller and archer then usual, the river along the forest shimmered under the moonlight. Just when I decided to play in the water, I saw a fox in golden standing in the river. There was a waning crescent mark on his forehead.
'Hel...hello! Can...can we be friends?' the golden fox took out a piece of star-shaped green stone from a can he was carrying, and handed it to me shyly.
The stone was crystal-clear and stunningly appealing, also carried a fruitful scent.
'Wha..what is this?'
'It's a candy.' He took one and ate it, I ate mine too.
'Wow it's yummy! Ohhh so sweet!!' I was stormed by the miraculous juiciness of the candy.
'Heeh heeh... try a strawberry flavoured one.' He gave me a red one. Same with the last one, it's phenomenally tasty!
'So...will you be my friend?' The golden fox took a step forward.
'Sure! My name is SORA, what's yours?' I loved making friends.
'I'm JOBI.' JOBI seemed relieved.
'Nice to meet you, JOBI!' I taught JOBI to make his hand into a fist and brofist with me - the prove of friendship among boys.
This was the first time for me to try the snack 'candy', and my first encounter with JOBI.
「當然可以喔!我叫 SORA,你叫什麼名字?」我最喜歡交朋友了。
「我叫 JOBI。」JOBI 看起來鬆了口氣。
「多多指教啊 JOBI!」我教 JOBI 捏起拳頭,跟我的拳頭互碰。那是男生之間友情的證明。
那是我第一次品嚐「糖果」這種零食,也是我跟 JOBI 的初次相遇。
Before attending Foxford College, I used to sneak out after Mr Cherry Blossom fell asleep.
There was a night the moon was fuller and archer then usual, the river along the forest shimmered under the moonlight. Just when I decided to play in the water, I saw a fox in golden standing in the river. There was a waning crescent mark on his forehead.
'Hel...hello! Can...can we be friends?' the golden fox took out a piece of star-shaped green stone from a can he was carrying, and handed it to me shyly.
The stone was crystal-clear and stunningly appealing, also carried a fruitful scent.
'Wha..what is this?'
'It's a candy.' He took one and ate it, I ate mine too.
'Wow it's yummy! Ohhh so sweet!!' I was stormed by the miraculous juiciness of the candy.
'Heeh heeh... try a strawberry flavoured one.' He gave me a red one. Same with the last one, it's phenomenally tasty!
'So...will you be my friend?' The golden fox took a step forward.
'Sure! My name is SORA, what's yours?' I loved making friends.
'I'm JOBI.' JOBI seemed relieved.
'Nice to meet you, JOBI!' I taught JOBI to make his hand into a fist and brofist with me - the prove of friendship among boys.
This was the first time for me to try the snack 'candy', and my first encounter with JOBI.