2018年3月3日 星期六

JOBI the Moon Fox 序章 5 - 無力的堅持 與 無情的言語

JOBI the Moon Fox
序章 5 - 無力的堅持 與 無情的言語





我總算明白 JOBI 國王的苦況。當堅持已久的事情得不到別人認同,那種無力感真的會讓人感到十分氣餒。


「Mei,你不需要勉強去實現 JOBI 國王的理想啊。反正我們現在生活得很好不是嗎?」

新生 JOBI 悠閒地躺在我的房間邊吃糖果邊看書。一向悠然自得的牠倒是沒有很在意要繼承上一代的志向。

不經不覺來到我家快三年的 JOBI,成長速度跟學習能力都非常高。牠已經長得跟 JOBI 國王差不多高了,而且很懂得照顧自己。唯一不變的,就是牠仍然會經常跟我討吃初次見面時送給牠的那款糖果。


「JOBI,我想請你幫我做一件事情。如果你答應的話,我就請你吃一個月份量的糖果好不好?」我拿出一整瓶價值相等於我半個月零用錢的糖果放在 JOBI 面前。

「噢噢噢當然好!你想我幫忙做什麼?」JOBI 興奮得雙眼發光。


誰知道 JOBI 聽到我的計劃之後,興奮的情緒一下子就冷靜下來。


「既然你跟 JOBI 國王一樣擁有月光狐血統的話,我相信你一定會找到方法的。拜託你嘗試看看吧。我再也想不出其他辦法去讓大家相信我了......你要幫我!」我明白自己的想法可能有點胡來,可是三年來不斷碰釘已經讓我開始失去耐性。

而 JOBI 好像也能夠看得出來。

「......Mei,你要我這樣做,真的是為了 JOBI 國王的理想嗎?還是其實只為了滿足你自己啊?」




「Mei......? 」JOBI 望著激動起來的我,眼神變得十分陌生。

「或許......或許所謂的『狐狸』,其實只是小時候沒有認識到朋友的我所妄想出來,藉以陪伴自己的虛構存在而已!什麼月光通道,什麼 JOBI 國王,還有你......

「Mei!我......」JOBI 試圖握住我的手,卻被我大力甩開。


那個時候,自私而軟弱的我完全沒有顧及 JOBI 的感受。心中埋藏已久的不快讓無情的說話像缺堤般衝口而出。




JOBI the Moon Fox
Prologue 5 - Powerless Persistence and Ruthless Words

'Moonlight tunnel? How does that exist?'

'Where is the fox? Stop lying!'

'Grow up, Mei!'

All theses years, I had heard uncountable words like these. I wanted to let more people know the existence of the foxes, yet no one was able to see them, thus no one believed me.

I finally came to understand the helplessness JOBI the King once felt - I couldn't earned any recognition for what I had been believing for years.

I was so discouraged, even started doubting...

'Mei, Why do you persist to achieve the will of JOBI the King so reluctantly? We are having a good life, aren't we?'

Newborn JOBI was laying on the floor in my room carelessly, eating candies while reading. This unrestrained fox didn't have the tendency to inherit the belief of its past generation.

Three years had passed since JOBI came to my home. It had grown a lot, with the height almost as same as JOBI the King. It was a fast-learner, it knew how to take care of itself well.

The only thing that didn't change, was that it still craved for the candies I gave it when we first met.

Thence, in order to motivate it to work with me, I decided to use candies as a bite.

'JOBI, I would like you to do something for me. If you promise me, you will be given candies with the amount of a whole month, how about that?' I put a big can of candies equaled half of my spending money for a month in front of JOBI.

'OHHHHH SURE! What do you want me to do?' JOBI's eyes were brightened with excitement.

'I want you to open the moonlight tunnel and let everyone sees it. Even they can't see you, they will trust me as the moon will become fuller and brighter oddly!' This had to work.

However JOBI was cooled off after hearing my plan.

'But I don't know how to open it...I'm not the king.' JOBI seemed troubled.

'You have the blood of Moon Fox like JOBI the King, there must be a way you can do that. Please try. I can't think of other ways to let them believe me... You have to help me!' I did realised I was being unreasonable, yet I was exhausted by the failures I had faced these three years.

JOBI seemed to know.

'Mei, what you wanted me to do, is to fulfil the wish of JOBI the King? Or just for yourself?' Its questioning touched my raw nerve.

I hated to admit it. I was so persistent and had put much effort in making others to believe the existence of the foxes, still I got no retribution at all, the doubts inside my heart started to spread.

'Fine! Forget it if you are not helping me! I had a feeling about it anyway, the reason I can see foxes others cannot see...is not because I'm unique...'

'Mei...?' JOBI stared at me like looking at a stranger.

'Maybe...maybe the 'foxes' were merely my imaginary friends to comfort myself as I wasn't able to make friends in my childhood!! Moonlight tunnel, JOBI the King, and you...'

'Mei! I...' JOBI attempted to grab my hand, but I flung its paw away.


At that moment, I was too wrapped up in myself to consider the feeling of JOBI. The unsatisfactory piled up in my heart pushed the ruthless words out of my lips.

I ran away from home.

Then my life went back to 'normal'.


JOBI the Moon Fox 序章 4 - 約定的延續 與 新生的狐狸

JOBI the Moon Fox
序章 4 - 約定的延續 與 新生的狐狸



我沒有忘記五年前跟 JOBI 國王的約定。





「喔喔喔!」新生的 JOBI 像個精力充沛的小孩般又跑又跳。

「你好喔 JOBI,我叫 Mei。」我「再次」向 JOBI 介紹自己。

「我肚餓了,Mei。我要吃東西!」JOBI 一雙純真的眼睛有如湖水般清徹,聲線也比 JOBI 國王響亮,只是初生的牠看來不太懂禮儀就是。


「我跟你一起回家不就好了嘛?」怎料 JOBI 竟然一手拿走我的糖果就往嘴裡扔,老實不客氣得讓我有點無所適從。


再者,如果我就此讓牠跟 JOBI 國王一樣獨個兒留在月球,也未免太殘忍了。



我很想延續 JOBI 國王的理想。尋找更多能夠看見狐狸,而且願意跟牠們交朋友的人。

– Ms. Traveller

JOBI the Moon Fox
Prologue 4 - The Promise Continued and the Newborn Fox

I rid on the moonlight tunnel to the moon again, this reminded me of the past.

'After I have disappeared, years later in here, another fox will be born. May I ask you to name it?'

I didn't forgot the promise made five years ago.

A little black fox was sitting quietly on the mountain we said goodbye.

I walked in to the front of the tiny fox, it wasn't afraid. It merely stared at me.

'Your name is... JOBI.'

After I named the fox, incredible thing happened - it stood up after hearing its name, waved its tail and stirred the air. The wind blown its fur and turned it into shimmering purple. It's like the ugly duckling turning into a swan. Such fascinating.

'OHHHHHH!' Newborn JOBI jumped and ran like an energetic child.

'Hello JOBI, I'm Mei.' I introduced myself to JOBI 'again'.

'I'm starving, Mei. I want to eat!' JOBI had a pair of crystal-clear eyes brightened by purity. It's voice was louder than JOBI the King - it hadn't know much about curtesy though.

'Oh? I have a few candies with me only...Would you like me to go home and get you something while you stay here and wait?' I wondered what a fox might like to eat.

'I can go with you, can't I?' JOBI took my candies and threw them into its mouth unexpectedly. I was at a loss as to what to do with its frankness.

Yet, this candid little fox was not annoying, even cute. Also, it'd be cruel to leave it alone on the moon like JOBI the king.

Speaking of that, I had probably made up my mind at the moment I saw the moonlight tunnel.

'Foxes and humans can be friends.'

I wished I could pass on the will of JOBI the King - to look for people who could see the foxes and willed to be friends with them.

– Ms. Traveller