2018年4月17日 星期二

JOBI the Moon Fox -The Neverending Story- Chapter 4

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 4


目送班長他們出發去找 SORA 之後,櫻老大帶我走進一個狹窄的櫻花樹洞,洞內竟然是一座豁然開朗的大屋。


那個叫 VICTOR 的魔法師,身上散發出一股陰沉的氣息。讓我覺得......









「你......你好,我叫青太。他是我弟弟赤吉......我們是來找 SORA 哥哥的,可是一不小心就走進來了......」藍色小狐狸青太很有禮貌地向我們解釋。

「SORA 哥時常都會來幼稚園部找我們玩的,可是他自新學期開學之後都沒有出現過了,你們兩個知道他在哪嗎?」紅色小狐狸赤吉倒是比較不客氣。




「青太,赤吉。你們都是好孩子。SORA 哥哥只是去了探險。他過幾天就會回來了。所以你們現在就先回宿舍去吧。免得讓大家擔心。好嗎?」櫻老大摸摸兩兄弟的頭頂,然後把幾片花瓣變成糖果送給他們,好讓他們安心回去。


「JOBI,我大概知道發生什麼事了。那個叫 VICTOR 的魔法師擁有吸收狐狸生命能量的能力。現在的 SORA 大概就是因為失去了大部份生命能量,所以除了與他牽絆最深的人之外,其他人都會暫時失去對他的連繫與記憶。而你的糖果應該也是因為儲存了生命能量,所以才會被 VICTOR 製造出來的黑色球體一併吸走。」櫻老大拿起我的糖果瓶,細心查看它的狀況。









JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 4

"JOBI, you can rest here first. Let me find out what’s wrong with you."

After sending MONITOR and the other guys off to save SORA, Sir Cherry Blossom led me into the narrow cherry blossom tree hole. Surprisingly, the insides of the hole was a big spacious house.

If I’m here to play on any other days, my eyes would have lit up with excitement. But, the current situation is just too worrying.

The magician called Victor has a very dark and heavy aura, it made me feel…


Made me feel very smelly…, huh?

"Shh…! Why would you fart at this moment? Stupid AOTA!"

"But…but I just can’t hold it in…"

I heard someone talking behind the house.
At this moment, Sir Cherry Blossom waved his hand and sent a stream of petals towards the voices’ direction, and transported the owners of the voices to us.

Turns out, it’s two foxes, one red, and one blue. Each one of them has a bell hanging from their neck. That’s a sign that they're the ‘easy-to-get-lost students’ in the kindergarten.

"Kids, why are you here?" Sir Cherry Blossom asked them with a friendly tone.

"H..hello, I am Aota. This is my younger brother, Aka… We’re here to look for brother SORA, but we accidentally came in here…" The blue little fox Aota politely explained to us.

"Brother SORA would sometimes come over to the kindergarten and play with us, but he hasn't appeared since the new semester. Do you two know where he is?" The red little fox AKA asked straightforwardly.

For the sake of reassuring the twins, I originally wanted to give them some candies. But then, I discovered that the candy jar I always have with me is completely empty.

Did I lose them in the forest? But this is really strange, I’ve never opened the jar…

At this moment, Sir Cherry Blossom noticed something.

"AOTA, AKA. You are both good kids. Your brother SORA just went for an adventure. He will come back in a few days. Just go back to your dorms for now, so your teachers won’t be worried about you, okay?" Sir Cherry Blossom patted the top of the twins’ heads, and then gave them a few candies that were transformed from cherry blossom petals, so they’ll go back reassured.

After the twins left, Sir Cherry Blossom explained the situation to me.

"JOBI, I think I know what happened. The magician named VICTOR has the power to absorb foxes’ life essence. The current SORA must have lost most of his life essence, that’s why apart from people who are the closest to him, everyone else would lose their memories of him. And mostly likely because your candies contained some life essence, they were taken away by the dark matter sphere created by VICTOR along with SORA’s life essence." Sir Cherry Blossom picked up my candy jar, and inspected it’s condition closely.

"But... Why would he do that?" I asked, feeling a bit frustrated and helpless.

Sir Cherry Blossom just shook his head.

"JOBI, a more worrying matter now is your health. Although the scarf that you are wearing can slow down the loss of your life essence, if we don’t think of a way to stop what’s happening quick… you…" Sir Cherry Blossom hesitated.

"I…? "

"You'll fade away, and you might even vanish completely."

Facing the sudden bad news, I can only stand there stunned with helpless tears streaming down my face.


JOBI the Moon Fox -The Neverending Story- Chapter 3

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 3


櫻老大拿出一條顏色花巧的圍巾套在 JOBI 頸上之後,JOBI 的身體頓時就變得沒那麼透明了。他深呼吸了一口氣,然後開始訴說自己的遭遇......

「開學前幾天,我跟 SORA 在宿舍附近的森林遊玩時,遇上了一隻從未見過的黑色狐狸。他穿著一件十分破舊的黑色披肩,額頭上有個紅色的古怪的標記,而且擁有一雙彷彿會把人攝進去的深紅色的眼睛,外表十分嚇人......」JOBI 捏緊拳頭,臉上出現了恐懼的表情。

「那......果然是 VICTOR!他是我在以前星球居住時的同族,而且已經被逐出族群很久了。為什麼現在竟然會在這裡出現......?」

LEILA 從剛才開始神色就變得十分凝重,她那緊張的語氣跟初來到地球的時候一樣。足以讓我感受到事件的嚴重性。

「黑色狐狸想知道我們的學校在哪裡,但 SORA 覺得他不懷好意,所以不肯說出來。怎料......他一怒之下,突然從手中變出一個巨型的黑色球體,一下子就把 SORA 吸了過去......!我本想立刻拉住 SORA ,可是他察覺到我的身體出了異樣就立刻把我推開,叫我快點逃走.......!我看見被吸進去的 SORA 彷彿失去了力量似的,身體變得比平常更加透明,而且不消一會就......失去了意識......嗚!我.....我真是太沒用了!我救不了 SORA!櫻老大,求求你想想辦法!」愈說愈心痛的 JOBI 終於哭了起來。

我十分明白 JOBI 此刻的感受。我也曾經因為不夠強大而無法保護自己最喜歡的人,甚至眼睜睜看著他被趕走。對於那段無法彌補的過去,我到現在仍然感到十分自責。

「JOBI,不用擔心,我會去救 SORA 回來的。」我上前拍了一下 JOBI 的肩膊,腦中開始擬定各種作戰方案。

「班長,我跟你一起去。」LEILA 向我點頭示意,她的眼神十分堅決。


「他們是 LINUS 和 LULU,算是我的分身。你們一起去找那個魔法師吧。這兩隻小傢伙會幫到你們的。」櫻老大冷靜的語氣讓我增添了安全感。

「嗯,謝謝你。那 JOBI 就拜託你照顧了。」跟櫻老大道別之後,我們立即往森林出發。




JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 3

"JOBI, I can sense your life essence dwindling. Put this on for the time being, it will help a little. Can you tell us what’s going on? From the very beginning."

Immediately after Sir Cherry Blossom took out a colourful scarf and wrapped it around JOBI’s neck, JOBI’s body regained some opacity. He took a deep breath and started telling his story…

"A few days before the start of the semester, while I was playing with SORA in the woods near the dormitories, we met a black fox we didn’t know. He was wearing a black tattered shawl, had a strange red symbol on his forehead, and a set of penetrating deep red eyes. He looked terrifying…" JOBI clenched his fists, a horrified expression on his face.

"That…is VICTOR. He’s from my home planet. He’s already been kicked out of the clan for a very long time. Why is he here now?"

LEILA’s expression has been solemn since earlier, her anxious tone is just like when she first arrived on Earth. That was enough to drive home the severity of the situation.

"The black fox asked us for our school’s location, but SORA sensed that he had bad intentions and refused to answer him. I didn’t expect…In a fit of anger, he produced a giant dark matter sphere, and in an instant, SORA was sucked in…! I wanted to hold onto him but he noticed that something was happening to my body, so he pushed me away and told me to run…! It seems that SORA was losing energy while being sucked in, his normally translucent body became almost transparent. Soon, he even lost consciousness…sobs…I’m so useless! I couldn’t save SORA! Sir Cherry Blossom, I’m beg you to think of a way to save him!" JOBI got more upset as he tells his story and finally started crying.

I understand how JOBI feels. I was also once unable to protect the ones I love because I was not strong enough, and he got chased away. I still feel very guilty for the irreparable past.

"JOBI, don't worry, I will save SORA." I patted JOBI on the shoulders, and started planning ways to save SORA.

"MONITOR, I’ll go with you." LEILA nodded towards me, her eyes, determined.

At this moment, Sir Cherry Blossom raised his arms, and sent two cherry blossom petals flying towards us. The petals twirled around him and become a small pink fox and a small blue fox.

"They are LINUS and LULU. You can think of them as my doubles. Go with them and look for the magician. They can help you." Sir Cherry Blossom’s calm tone gave me some reassurance.

"Thank you. Please take good care of JOBI." After biding Sir Cherry Blossom goodbye, we immediately went to the forest to save SORA.

I secretly made a promise to myself, I’ll keep everyone safe no matter what this time.


JOBI the Moon Fox -The Neverending Story- Chapter 2

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 2

到 JOBI 清醒過來,已經是隔天的事情了。


他一睜開眼,又再次喊出這個陌生的名字。可是不只得我絲毫沒有對 SORA 的記憶,我問過整個小學部的老師與學生,也沒有人認識 SORA。

「JOBI,發生什麼事了?你冷靜告訴我,SORA 究竟是誰?」我把手掌放在 JOBI 的頭上,感覺到他的體溫總算回復正常,可是身體卻仍然呈半透明狀態。

「你......你們怎可能把 SORA 忘記的?他可是跟我們一起生活了好幾年的同學啊!」JOBI 再次哽咽。

雖然我仍然毫無頭緒,可是從 JOBI 的眼神來看,我肯定他沒有說謊。

「難道是發生了一些事情,讓我們失去了對 SORA 的記憶......?」一直從旁觀察的 LEILA 終於開口。她的神情看起來十分凝重。

「時間無多了,我要去找櫻老大......」JOBI 從床上一躍而下,衝出了保健室。


「櫻老大,請你現身吧!SORA 的情況十分危險啊!」JOBI 向著櫻花樹大喊,甚至把鳥兒都嚇跑了。


「JOBI,SORA 怎麼了?我完全感覺不到跟他的連繫。」

粉紅色狐狸慢慢睜開眼睛,並向 JOBI 問道。

「櫻老大,SORA 被一個不知道從哪裡來的魔法師給捉住。如果我們還不盡快去救他,他......很快就會完全消失啊!」

JOBI 的說話讓大家都愣住了。

「等等!JOBI,你說......魔法師?」LEILA 面色一沉。我看見她的手在微微顫動,呼吸也開始急促起來。




JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 2

When JOBI woke up, it was already another day. 


He yelled out the unfamiliar name again when he open his eyes. But it’s not just me. I’ve asked all the teachers and students in the entire primary school, no one knows SORA.

"JOBI, what happened? Calm down and tell me, who is SORA?" I put my palm on his forehead, and felt that his body temperature had went back to normal. But his body is still translucent.

"How... how can you guys forget SORA? We’ve been in school with him for years!" JOBI started sobbing again.

Although I’m still confused about what’s happening, I’m sure JOBI is telling the truth because he looks so sincere.

"What if something happened, and made all of us lose our memories of SORA…?" LEILA, who has been watching us the whole time, finally said. She looks very serious.

"There's not much time left, I have to find Sir Cherry Blossom…" JOBI jumped off the bed, and rushed out of the health room.

The cherry blossom tree on the mountain is flourishing this year as well, but, right now, no one has the spirit to appreciate its beauty.

"Sir Cherry Blossom, will you please come out? SORA is in a terrible state!" JOBI cried out loud at the tree, so loud that he even scared the birds away. 

Then, a glowing petal floated down, and all the petals nearby gathered around it with a gentle breeze, together they formed a luminous pink fox. I couldn’t stop looking at the magical transformation.

"JOBI, how’s SORA? I can’t feel my connection with him."

The pink fox asked JOBI while slowly opening his eyes.

"Sir Cherry Blossom, SORA was caught by an unknown magician. If we don’t save him now, he’ll…disappear completely!"

Everyone was shocked by JOBI’s words. 

"Wait a minute! JOBI, did you just say,,, a magician?" LEILA’s face fell. Her hands started trembling lightly and her breath quickened.

Things are becoming really unpredictable…


JOBI the Moon Fox -The Neverending Story- Chapter 1

JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 1

已經開學幾天了,JOBI 還是沒有出現。


我想 JOBI 這傢伙可能又玩到不知時日了吧?他已經不是第一次如此冒失了。有次暑假之後,他仍然維持著悠閒的生活一直到開學第十天,才因為找不到同學去玩而驚覺假期早已完結......


還有一件讓我感到奇怪的事情,就是 JOBI 的座位旁邊出現了一個空著的位子。




出現在大家面前的正正就是缺席幾天的 JOBI。氣喘如牛的他看起來十分虛弱,就像快要昏倒似的。



「SORA......快去救 SORA......!」JOBI 說出一個陌生的名字。

「誰是 SORA......?」我完全沒有頭緒。其他同學也一樣不解地互相對望。

「就......就是坐在我旁邊的 SORA 啊!你們都把他忘記了嗎......?」JOBI 焦急得哭了起來。

原來那個空出來的位子,是屬於一位叫 SORA 的同學嗎?可是為什麼竟然沒有同學認識他?

「找.....櫻老大......」JOBI 用盡最後一口氣說出這句說話之後就昏了過去。




JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 1

School has already started for a few days but JOBI is still nowhere to be seen.

JOBI asked me to play during the winter holidays, but I refused him because I had to focus on preparing for the God of Thunder Examination. New thing I know, it’s already the first day of School.

I guess Jobi must have been having so much fun that he lost track of time. It’s not the first time he has been so reckless. One summer, he didn’t even know school had started, and had been fooling around until the tenth school day, only noticing when he couldn’t find anyone to play with him.

Oh well, I’ll look for him in the dormitories after school. 

Apart from this, there’s one strange thing that has been bothering me. An empty seat has appeared next to JOBI’s seat.

Since school started, our classroom didn’t have any extra desks. But now, an extra seat has suddenly appeared, and on top of that, I feel like it belongs to someone.

When I was trying to figure this out, the classroom door swung wide open with a loud bang.

"Oh! Oh! MONITOR…! Oh…Oh no!"

The intruder that appeared in front of everyone was JOBI, the guy who was absent from school these few days. The out of breath fox looked very weak, like he was about to faint.

JOBI, who missed school the last days, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, panting, looking very weak and was about to faint.

And, his body has become translucent…?

"What happened? JOBI, stay strong!" I hurried over to help him, and immediately could feel that he’s heating up. 

"SORA... Go and save SORA… !" A foreign name came out of JOBI’s mouth.

"Who's SORA…?" I have completely no idea who this person is, and the other classmates were also looking at each other like they don’t have a clue. 

"Just… just the SORA sitting next to me! Have you guys completely forgotten about him?" JOBI burst into tears.

So, the empty seat belongs to a classmate named SORA? But then, why doesn’t anyone know him?

"Find...Sir Cherry Blossom…" JOBI used his last strength to instruct us before he fainted. 

At this moment, a gust of chilled air that shouldn’t have been there in Spring rushed into the classroom. It triggered a really bad feeling…


JOBI the Moon Fox : side story - HANDS the Detective Fox

JOBI the Moon Fox : side story
HANDS the Detective Fox





















JOBI the Moon Fox: side story
HANDS the Detective Fox

What an unpredictable day.

Just as I thought the last case was fully resolved, and I could take a well-deserved rest, a call from the sheriff woke me up from my less than three hours nap after I got home from the pub.

“HANDS, come to the precinct.” Then the sheriff hung up. The sheriff’s helpless tone made my hair stand on end. I have a bad feeling about this.

I like crowded places. Places with a lot of people makes me feel more at ease. But, this doesn’t include the precinct.

Unruly drunk behaviour, fighting, hurting other foxes, stealing, ... none of the foxes that were brought into the precinct are good foxes.

Yet, I was completely bedazzled by the lady sitting by the door of the reporting room.

“Miss, what happened? I’m a private detective, perhaps I can help you.” I took a candy from the jar that I always have with me and offered it to her. That’s my sweet business card that I use to break the ice during self-introduction.

“What are you doing? She’s my daughter!” The sheriff suddenly came out from the reporting room, incredulous. He grabbed the candy and elbowed me heavily at my stomach.

“Daughter? You’ve never told me that you have a daughter! I thought you weren’t even married!” I asked while rubbing the sore spot where he punched me. This blasted sheriff really doesn’t punch lightly. Ironically, he has a daughter that looked so sweet and gentle.

“Would you like me to write a report for you?” The sheriff replied madly, putting an invitation card in my pocket.

“My daughter will be attending her university’s graduation dinner tonight. But I still have a lot of reports to deal with. So you will be her bodyguard.” His commanding tone is really repulsive. But given that he saved my life once, I won’t kick up a fuss over that.

Well, it’s really not that bad since I got to spend time with his daughter tonight.

“And if you dare to mess with my daughter, I promise I’ll put every single bullet in the precinct in your head.” He threatened. He shines a flashlight in my face and his fierce eyes pierced through the light.

“Thanks!” The sheriff’s daughter winked at me playfully, planted a light kiss on her father’s cheek, and then pulled me out of the precinct by my hand.

“Where’s the graduation dinner? Wait for me here, I’ll drive the car over.” Just when I took my car keys out, a sports car stopped right in front of the precinct and the sheriff’s daughter hopped onto the car in a heartbeat.

“Let’s meet here at midnight. Bye-bye! Mr. De-tec-tive.” The sheriff's daughter blew me a kiss, and the car zoomed away before I can properly catch it.

“At the very least, introduce your classmate to me...” I took out a comb and tidied my hair that got messed up by the wind, and drove home silently, alone.

What an unpredictable day.


JOBI the Moon Fox 序章 8 - Traveller 與 JOBI

JOBI the Moon Fox
序章 8 - Traveller 與 JOBI



在 JOBI 消失後的第七十七個月圓之夜,我暫時放下牠交託給我的任務,急不及待乘上再次出現的月光通道,回到一切事情的起點。

對於每次月光狐重生,月光通道都會自動開啟這件事情,我覺得可能是 JOBI 國王預先設下的程序。為的是製造機會把「命名者」帶來這裡。



「久等了,小狐狸。你的名字叫 JOBI。」我在牠頭上輕輕拍了一下。

小狐狸得到命名後,毛色立刻從本來的全白色變成金黃色,牠的額頭上冒出了跟 JOBI 國王一樣的下弦月胎記。

我以為這隻新生的小 JOBI 會像上一代的 JOBI 般充滿活力地亂蹦亂跳,怎料牠竟然流起淚來。難道是因為等得寂寞了?

看見這一幕,我總算清楚意識到牠是個新生命,而不再是我以前熟悉的 JOBI。亦同時讓我作出了一個決定。

「JOBI,月球很沒趣的,到那邊去交朋友吧!」我指向遙遠的地球,鼓勵小 JOBI 自己去探險。相信牠一定會找到更多住在地球上的狐狸,探索更多的可能性。

而且,經歷過之前的事情,我覺得自己實在沒資格再跟小 JOBI 做朋友了。我怕自己的軟弱隨時會害牠再次變成透明......

我把圍巾拿下來套在小 JOBI 身上,並送上那瓶自旅程開始就一直帶在身上的糖果。

「待會將會出現一條月光通道,你只要乘上它就能夠前往地球了。到了地球之後如果遇到想結交的朋友,就送他糖果吧。」我拖住小 JOBI 的手,準備送牠乘上月光通道。


「我......我叫 JOBI,請問你叫什麼名字?我們......可以交朋友嗎?」

小 JOBI 含羞答答地向我遞上一顆糖果,一雙小手還在微微顫抖,就像花盡了力氣向我示好似的。


我立刻拭去禁不住湧出的眼淚,以免讓不知情的小 JOBI 難堪。


「當然可以!我叫 TRAVELLER。」我微笑著向牠作自我介紹。算起來已經是第三次。

讓小 JOBI 乘上月光通道之後,我向牠送上最後的叮囑:


這也是上兩代 JOBI 教會我的事。

多得 JOBI 國王堅持自己的理想,我才得以來到月球,認識到狐狸。

多得二代 JOBI 堅持相信我的能力,我才能夠認清自己的軟弱,重新出發。





-Ms. Traveller

JOBI the Moon Fox


JOBI the Moon Fox
The Neverending story - 序


我感到跟小 JOBI 的連繫正在不斷減弱!


等我,小 JOBI,我現在就來找你!

-Ms. Traveller

JOBI the Moon Fox
Prologue Chapter 8 - Traveller and JOBI

It is a blessing to find something worth fighting for within the short lifetime we’re given.


On the night of the 77th full moon after JOBI’s disappearance, I took a break from the mission he gave me, rushed onto the moonlight tunnel, and went back to the where it all began.

Regarding the moonlight tunnel’s automatic activation whenever a moonlight fox is reborn, I believe it might be arranged by King JOBI to allow the “Namer” to be brought here.

And that’s also how I got back to the moon.

The familiar silence. The familiar environment. On the same familiar tiny hill, sat a little white fox, waiting to be named. It’s half dreaming expression is extremely endearing.

“You’ve waited a long time, little one. Your name is JOBI.” I gave him a gentle pat on his head.

After receiving his name, his white fur immediately turned a golden hue, and a crescent shaped birthmark - exactly like King JOBI’s - appeared on his forehead.

I thought the newborn little JOBI would be just as bubbly and flounced around like the previous one. But, out of the blue, he started crying. Could it be that he got too lonely waiting?

Witnessing this, it finally struck me that he is a new person, and not the JOBI I was once familiar with. I came to a decision then. 

“JOBI, the moon is very boring, why don’t you make friends over there?” I pointed at the faraway Earth, encouraging little JOBI to go exploring by himself. I believe he would definitely find more Earth dwelling foxes, and discover more opportunities.

Anyway, after all that had happened, I feel like I don’t have the right to befriend little JOBI anymore. I’m deeply afraid that my weakness will cause him to fade away again.

I wrapped my scarf around little JOBI’s body and gave him the jar of candies I had with me since the beginning of the journey.

“You can get to Earth via the moonlight tunnel that will appear later. After arriving on Earth, if you meet anyone you want to be friends with, just give them a candy.” I held onto little JOBI’s hand, preparing to send him off on the moonlight tunnel.

Unexpectedly, he held onto me.

“My...my name is JOBI. May I know what’s yours? Can we...be friends?”

Little JOBI shyly offered me a candy. His hands shook slightly as if he was trying his best to befriend me.


I hurriedly wiped away my tears that are running down my cheeks uncontrollably, in case the innocent little JOBI is embarrassed.

I’ll never forget the sweetness of that candy. 

“Of course we can! My name is TRAVELLER.” I smiled and introduced myself to him. Including this time, this is my third.

After I took little JOBI to the moonlight tunnel, I gave him my last piece of advice. 

“No matter what, hold on to the things you believe!”

This is also something the last two JOBIs taught me. 

Thanks to King JOBI insisting on his dream, I got to go to the moon and discover about the foxes. 

And thanks to the second JOBI believing in me, I got to recognise my weaknesses and start over again.

Their perseverance made me experience the unknown differently from other people.

This time, I should be the one doing something.

I want to travel all around the world, find more foxes, record their habits and their habitats, and gather the foxes. So they will never disappear again because they are forgotten or unnamed. 

I hope there will never be another lonely fox in the world. 

-Ms. Traveller

JOBI the Moon Fox
End of the Prologue chapter


JOBI the Moon Fox
The Neverending story - Prologue

In the midst of the journey, a strange gust of wind blew directly at me, making me tingle all over.

I felt my connection with little JOBI begin to dwindle steadily.

What happened?

Wait for me, little JOBI! I’m going to you now!
