2018年4月17日 星期二
JOBI the Moon Fox -The Neverending Story- Chapter 3
JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 3
櫻老大拿出一條顏色花巧的圍巾套在 JOBI 頸上之後,JOBI 的身體頓時就變得沒那麼透明了。他深呼吸了一口氣,然後開始訴說自己的遭遇......
「開學前幾天,我跟 SORA 在宿舍附近的森林遊玩時,遇上了一隻從未見過的黑色狐狸。他穿著一件十分破舊的黑色披肩,額頭上有個紅色的古怪的標記,而且擁有一雙彷彿會把人攝進去的深紅色的眼睛,外表十分嚇人......」JOBI 捏緊拳頭,臉上出現了恐懼的表情。
「那......果然是 VICTOR!他是我在以前星球居住時的同族,而且已經被逐出族群很久了。為什麼現在竟然會在這裡出現......?」
LEILA 從剛才開始神色就變得十分凝重,她那緊張的語氣跟初來到地球的時候一樣。足以讓我感受到事件的嚴重性。
「黑色狐狸想知道我們的學校在哪裡,但 SORA 覺得他不懷好意,所以不肯說出來。怎料......他一怒之下,突然從手中變出一個巨型的黑色球體,一下子就把 SORA 吸了過去......!我本想立刻拉住 SORA ,可是他察覺到我的身體出了異樣就立刻把我推開,叫我快點逃走.......!我看見被吸進去的 SORA 彷彿失去了力量似的,身體變得比平常更加透明,而且不消一會就......失去了意識......嗚!我.....我真是太沒用了!我救不了 SORA!櫻老大,求求你想想辦法!」愈說愈心痛的 JOBI 終於哭了起來。
我十分明白 JOBI 此刻的感受。我也曾經因為不夠強大而無法保護自己最喜歡的人,甚至眼睜睜看著他被趕走。對於那段無法彌補的過去,我到現在仍然感到十分自責。
「JOBI,不用擔心,我會去救 SORA 回來的。」我上前拍了一下 JOBI 的肩膊,腦中開始擬定各種作戰方案。
「班長,我跟你一起去。」LEILA 向我點頭示意,她的眼神十分堅決。
「他們是 LINUS 和 LULU,算是我的分身。你們一起去找那個魔法師吧。這兩隻小傢伙會幫到你們的。」櫻老大冷靜的語氣讓我增添了安全感。
「嗯,謝謝你。那 JOBI 就拜託你照顧了。」跟櫻老大道別之後,我們立即往森林出發。
JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 3
"JOBI, I can sense your life essence dwindling. Put this on for the time being, it will help a little. Can you tell us what’s going on? From the very beginning."
Immediately after Sir Cherry Blossom took out a colourful scarf and wrapped it around JOBI’s neck, JOBI’s body regained some opacity. He took a deep breath and started telling his story…
"A few days before the start of the semester, while I was playing with SORA in the woods near the dormitories, we met a black fox we didn’t know. He was wearing a black tattered shawl, had a strange red symbol on his forehead, and a set of penetrating deep red eyes. He looked terrifying…" JOBI clenched his fists, a horrified expression on his face.
"That…is VICTOR. He’s from my home planet. He’s already been kicked out of the clan for a very long time. Why is he here now?"
LEILA’s expression has been solemn since earlier, her anxious tone is just like when she first arrived on Earth. That was enough to drive home the severity of the situation.
"The black fox asked us for our school’s location, but SORA sensed that he had bad intentions and refused to answer him. I didn’t expect…In a fit of anger, he produced a giant dark matter sphere, and in an instant, SORA was sucked in…! I wanted to hold onto him but he noticed that something was happening to my body, so he pushed me away and told me to run…! It seems that SORA was losing energy while being sucked in, his normally translucent body became almost transparent. Soon, he even lost consciousness…sobs…I’m so useless! I couldn’t save SORA! Sir Cherry Blossom, I’m beg you to think of a way to save him!" JOBI got more upset as he tells his story and finally started crying.
I understand how JOBI feels. I was also once unable to protect the ones I love because I was not strong enough, and he got chased away. I still feel very guilty for the irreparable past.
"JOBI, don't worry, I will save SORA." I patted JOBI on the shoulders, and started planning ways to save SORA.
"MONITOR, I’ll go with you." LEILA nodded towards me, her eyes, determined.
At this moment, Sir Cherry Blossom raised his arms, and sent two cherry blossom petals flying towards us. The petals twirled around him and become a small pink fox and a small blue fox.
"They are LINUS and LULU. You can think of them as my doubles. Go with them and look for the magician. They can help you." Sir Cherry Blossom’s calm tone gave me some reassurance.
"Thank you. Please take good care of JOBI." After biding Sir Cherry Blossom goodbye, we immediately went to the forest to save SORA.
I secretly made a promise to myself, I’ll keep everyone safe no matter what this time.
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