JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 2
到 JOBI 清醒過來,已經是隔天的事情了。
他一睜開眼,又再次喊出這個陌生的名字。可是不只得我絲毫沒有對 SORA 的記憶,我問過整個小學部的老師與學生,也沒有人認識 SORA。
「JOBI,發生什麼事了?你冷靜告訴我,SORA 究竟是誰?」我把手掌放在 JOBI 的頭上,感覺到他的體溫總算回復正常,可是身體卻仍然呈半透明狀態。
「你......你們怎可能把 SORA 忘記的?他可是跟我們一起生活了好幾年的同學啊!」JOBI 再次哽咽。
雖然我仍然毫無頭緒,可是從 JOBI 的眼神來看,我肯定他沒有說謊。
「難道是發生了一些事情,讓我們失去了對 SORA 的記憶......?」一直從旁觀察的 LEILA 終於開口。她的神情看起來十分凝重。
「時間無多了,我要去找櫻老大......」JOBI 從床上一躍而下,衝出了保健室。
「櫻老大,請你現身吧!SORA 的情況十分危險啊!」JOBI 向著櫻花樹大喊,甚至把鳥兒都嚇跑了。
「JOBI,SORA 怎麼了?我完全感覺不到跟他的連繫。」
粉紅色狐狸慢慢睜開眼睛,並向 JOBI 問道。
「櫻老大,SORA 被一個不知道從哪裡來的魔法師給捉住。如果我們還不盡快去救他,他......很快就會完全消失啊!」
JOBI 的說話讓大家都愣住了。
「等等!JOBI,你說......魔法師?」LEILA 面色一沉。我看見她的手在微微顫動,呼吸也開始急促起來。
JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 2
When JOBI woke up, it was already another day.
JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 2
When JOBI woke up, it was already another day.
He yelled out the unfamiliar name again when he open his eyes. But it’s not just me. I’ve asked all the teachers and students in the entire primary school, no one knows SORA.
"JOBI, what happened? Calm down and tell me, who is SORA?" I put my palm on his forehead, and felt that his body temperature had went back to normal. But his body is still translucent.
"How... how can you guys forget SORA? We’ve been in school with him for years!" JOBI started sobbing again.
Although I’m still confused about what’s happening, I’m sure JOBI is telling the truth because he looks so sincere.
"What if something happened, and made all of us lose our memories of SORA…?" LEILA, who has been watching us the whole time, finally said. She looks very serious.
"There's not much time left, I have to find Sir Cherry Blossom…" JOBI jumped off the bed, and rushed out of the health room.
The cherry blossom tree on the mountain is flourishing this year as well, but, right now, no one has the spirit to appreciate its beauty.
"Sir Cherry Blossom, will you please come out? SORA is in a terrible state!" JOBI cried out loud at the tree, so loud that he even scared the birds away.
Then, a glowing petal floated down, and all the petals nearby gathered around it with a gentle breeze, together they formed a luminous pink fox. I couldn’t stop looking at the magical transformation.
"JOBI, how’s SORA? I can’t feel my connection with him."
The pink fox asked JOBI while slowly opening his eyes.
"Sir Cherry Blossom, SORA was caught by an unknown magician. If we don’t save him now, he’ll…disappear completely!"
Everyone was shocked by JOBI’s words.
"Wait a minute! JOBI, did you just say,,, a magician?" LEILA’s face fell. Her hands started trembling lightly and her breath quickened.
Things are becoming really unpredictable…