JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
已經開學幾天了,JOBI 還是沒有出現。
我想 JOBI 這傢伙可能又玩到不知時日了吧?他已經不是第一次如此冒失了。有次暑假之後,他仍然維持著悠閒的生活一直到開學第十天,才因為找不到同學去玩而驚覺假期早已完結......
還有一件讓我感到奇怪的事情,就是 JOBI 的座位旁邊出現了一個空著的位子。
出現在大家面前的正正就是缺席幾天的 JOBI。氣喘如牛的他看起來十分虛弱,就像快要昏倒似的。
「SORA......快去救 SORA......!」JOBI 說出一個陌生的名字。
「誰是 SORA......?」我完全沒有頭緒。其他同學也一樣不解地互相對望。
「就......就是坐在我旁邊的 SORA 啊!你們都把他忘記了嗎......?」JOBI 焦急得哭了起來。
原來那個空出來的位子,是屬於一位叫 SORA 的同學嗎?可是為什麼竟然沒有同學認識他?
「找.....櫻老大......」JOBI 用盡最後一口氣說出這句說話之後就昏了過去。
JOBI the Moon Fox
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 1
-The Neverending Story-
Chapter 1
School has already started for a few days but JOBI is still nowhere to be seen.
JOBI asked me to play during the winter holidays, but I refused him because I had to focus on preparing for the God of Thunder Examination. New thing I know, it’s already the first day of School.
I guess Jobi must have been having so much fun that he lost track of time. It’s not the first time he has been so reckless. One summer, he didn’t even know school had started, and had been fooling around until the tenth school day, only noticing when he couldn’t find anyone to play with him.
Oh well, I’ll look for him in the dormitories after school.
Apart from this, there’s one strange thing that has been bothering me. An empty seat has appeared next to JOBI’s seat.
Since school started, our classroom didn’t have any extra desks. But now, an extra seat has suddenly appeared, and on top of that, I feel like it belongs to someone.
When I was trying to figure this out, the classroom door swung wide open with a loud bang.
"Oh! Oh! MONITOR…! Oh…Oh no!"
The intruder that appeared in front of everyone was JOBI, the guy who was absent from school these few days. The out of breath fox looked very weak, like he was about to faint.
JOBI, who missed school the last days, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, panting, looking very weak and was about to faint.
And, his body has become translucent…?
"What happened? JOBI, stay strong!" I hurried over to help him, and immediately could feel that he’s heating up.
"SORA... Go and save SORA… !" A foreign name came out of JOBI’s mouth.
"Who's SORA…?" I have completely no idea who this person is, and the other classmates were also looking at each other like they don’t have a clue.
"Just… just the SORA sitting next to me! Have you guys completely forgotten about him?" JOBI burst into tears.
So, the empty seat belongs to a classmate named SORA? But then, why doesn’t anyone know him?
"Find...Sir Cherry Blossom…" JOBI used his last strength to instruct us before he fainted.
At this moment, a gust of chilled air that shouldn’t have been there in Spring rushed into the classroom. It triggered a really bad feeling…