2017年11月17日 星期五

99 分的小班長 Lil' MONITOR WITH 99 MARKS


記得是三年前吧,班長依舊是成績最好的學生。可惜在那次大考前他患了重感冒,這讓他在其中一個科目只得到 99 分。


這事情只發生過一次,因為在那之後班長把 "保持身體健康" 牢牢地記著。


As we all know, MONITOR is always the role model for us, he needs everything to be perfect and complete in the first place. However, he did make mistake once...

I think three years ago, MONITOR is certainly the best in the school. Unfortunately he got a strong fever before the exam, and that made him got one subject finished in 99 marks only.

He still got the first place at that time, just that when he saw the result, he is discouraged and all the marks on his body turned grey like his mood.

That only happened once, as MONITOR was bear in mind that “keep healthy is always the first priority". 

He is such a role model!


