2017年11月17日 星期五










「當然可以喔!我叫 SORA,你叫什麼名字?」我最喜歡交朋友了。

「我叫 JOBI。」JOBI 看起來鬆了口氣。

「多多指教啊 JOBI!」我教 JOBI 捏起拳頭,跟我的拳頭互碰。那是男生之間友情的證明。

那是我第一次品嚐「糖果」這種零食,也是我跟 JOBI 的初次相遇。

Before attending Foxford College, I used to sneak out after Mr Cherry Blossom fell asleep. 

There was a night the moon was fuller and archer then usual, the river along the forest shimmered under the moonlight. Just when I decided to play in the water, I saw a fox in golden standing in the river. There was a waning crescent mark on his forehead. 

'Hel...hello! Can...can we be friends?' the golden fox took out a piece of star-shaped green stone from a can he was carrying, and handed it to me shyly. 

The stone was crystal-clear and stunningly appealing, also carried a fruitful scent. 

'Wha..what is this?'

'It's a candy.' He took one and ate it, I ate mine too. 

'Wow it's yummy! Ohhh so sweet!!' I was stormed by the miraculous juiciness of the candy. 

'Heeh heeh... try a strawberry flavoured one.' He gave me a red one. Same with the last one, it's phenomenally tasty! 

'So...will you be my friend?' The golden fox took a step forward. 

'Sure! My name is SORA, what's yours?' I loved making friends. 

'I'm JOBI.' JOBI seemed relieved. 

'Nice to meet you, JOBI!' I taught JOBI to make his hand into a fist and brofist with me - the prove of friendship among boys. 

This was the first time for me to try the snack 'candy', and my first encounter with JOBI. 


