2017年11月17日 星期五





「久等了,小狐狸。你的名字叫 JOBI。」



「哈哈,這次的 JOBI 是個愛哭鬼哩!」女生再次摸了摸我的頭。「JOBI,月球很沒趣的,到那邊去交朋友吧!」看見她指著遙遠的地球,我只是一臉茫然。


然後,我隨即向這位女生遞上一粒糖果:「我......我叫 JOBI,請問你叫什麼名字?我們......可以交朋友嗎?」


女生有點驚訝,她擦了擦眼睛並拿過糖果。「當然可以!我叫 TRAVELLER。」

TRAVELLER 姐姐吃過糖果之後,便送我上月光通道。道別時我好像看見她的嘴唇微微郁動,似乎在跟我說什麼,可是她的聲音太小,我都聽不清楚就是......

那次之後,我就沒有再見過 TRAVELLER 姐姐了。有時我會向著又大又圓的月亮祈禱,希望能夠跟她再會。我很想介紹現在的朋友給她認識啊!

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself again. 

Different from most of the classmates, I was born on the Moon. When I opened my eyes, there's nothing but the sky filled with darkness, and the land that shined in white. Nothing else, liveliness.

I seated there for countless days. Suddenly, someone petted my head. 

'Sorry for the wait, little fox. Your name will be JOBI.'

She was a human-looking girl. 

When I was named, my fur started to change — from plain white to golden brown, a luna mark appeared on my forehead. I felt like I was filled with strength, my tears dropped irresistibly. 

'Haha, this JOBI is a crybaby!' She petted my head again. 

'JOBI, Moon is dull, go make some friends in there!' She pointed at the Earth, which was far from Moon, I was puzzled. 

She put her scarf on me, then grabbed a can of candy from her cape.

'A moonlight tunnel will appear later- what you have to do is simply ride on it, it will travel you to Earth. When you've gotten there, give a candy to whom you want to befriend.' She handed the candy to me. 

Soon after, I gave a candy to her. 

'My...my name is JOBI, what's yours? Can we be friends?'


'Sure! I'm TRAVELLER.' She seemed surprised. She rubbed her eyes and took the candy. 

After TRAVELLER ate her candy, she accompanied me to the moonlight tunnel. When we're waving goodbye, her lips were moving, seemed like she was saying something, yet her voice was too low to be heard...

I had never seen TRAVELLER again hereafter. Sometimes I pray to the shimmering Moon, and wish to meet her again. I hope I can introduce my friends to her! 


