2017年11月17日 星期五





由於我是獨個兒在月球出生的,並沒有自己的族群,加上來到地球之後,朋友也不算多,故此每逢到了這些假期,我都會留在學校宿舍,跟同樣沒有族群的 SORA 一起過。

SORA 這傢伙倒是自得其樂,他一早就帶著皮球出門,一直到了晚飯時間才髒兮兮的回來。而我則選擇整天留在被窩裡看漫畫



「快起來啦 JOBI!我很肚餓啊!班長都不讓我先吃!」SORA 在大吵大嚷。





原來牆壁上早已掛滿了彩色的燈泡,並且圍著一串 “MERRY CHRISTMAS” 的字樣。真是漂亮極了!



Christmas was coming, all classmates were leaving to spend the holiday with their kinds. The school filled with Christmas spirit was suddenly left with loneliness. 

What about me?

I didn't have my own kind as I was born alone on the Moon. Besides, I hadn't make many friends on Earth, hence I always stay in the school dormitory with SORA, who didn't have his own kind like me for my holidays. 

SORA seemed to be enjoying himself. He always left his room early in the morning holding his rubber ball and wouldn't be back until dinner, covering with dirt. For me, I chose to lie under my sheets and read comics for the whole day. 

Today was just the same, I fell asleep with my comic on my hand...

"Hey, get up, it's time for dinner." I heard the voice of MONITOR in the middle of my sleep. 
"Come on JOBI! Hurry! I'm starving to death! MONITOR wouldn't let me start eating without you!" yelled SORA. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, a tiny Christmas tree in the corner of the room has caught my eyes. The decoration was simple, yet heartwarming. 

"Let's enjoy our Christmas feast." said MONITOR, pointing at the palatable dishes on the table.

"Hold on, aren't you supposed to be at home?" I asked MONITOR.

"I'm staying at school for the revision of the Raijin(God of Thunder) Advanced Examination I'm gonna take next year." MONITOR waggled the bells on his back and generated electricity.

The whole room was lightened up all in a sudden!

Light bulbs with different colours were hanged on the wall, surrounding the words "MERRY CHRISTMAS". How fascinating! 

"Merry Christmas, JOBI." SORA said, while shaking the leaves of the Christmas tree off his body. 

"Merry Christmas, thank you guys!"

After all, the Christmas spirit hasn't left, it just gathered with us in my room.


