2017年11月17日 星期五


新學期的開始, 意味著秋天來了。

上學的第一天, 班上多了一位新同學, 他是一隻半透明啡帶點金色的狐狸,看起來十分特別。由於我的性格比較害羞,故此並沒有跟其他同學一起去跟他談話



"咦......?" 好像有個傢伙常常這樣問我的…

"怎麼了?我是 SORA 啊!不認得我嗎?" 

"SORA?你的毛色怎麼了?" 我大吃一驚。

"嘿嘿!帥吧?快點啊,球場滿人了呢。" SORA 沒有回答我的問題,便輕飄飄的溜出去了。

哈啾~~~ 這傢伙真是捉摸不透啊!

It's Autumn now, and our new school year starts.

It’s the first school day, and a new classmate arrives. He looks very special as his hair colour is in semi-transparent brown with a bit golden. Since I’m a bit shy I didn’t go to catch up with this new guy.

After school time finished, a cozy wind suddenly blows over me.

“Hey JOBI, you wanna play basketball today?”

“Oh…” it seems that there is a guy who always ask me that…

“C’mon it’s SORA here! Can’t you reckon it’s me?”

“Wha…. SORA!? What’s going on with your hair!!?” I was shocked.

“Cool, isn’t it? Let’s go, the count is full-housed already.” SORA didn’t answer my question, and he just ran out.

Achew~~~ this guy is just so unpredictable!


