2017年11月17日 星期五



我擔心地把櫻花樹的情況告訴 SORA,怎料他聽到之後只是微笑了一下,然後就拉著我來到櫻花樹前。

「嗨嗨!櫻老大,春天已經來了。該起來啦!」SORA 大聲向櫻花樹嚷道。

其後,櫻花樹竟然像回應 SORA 的叫喊般產生奇妙的變化。本來瘦削的樹枝不斷長出新的枝葉,粉嫩的櫻花像爆米花般一朵接一朵冒出來。原本光禿禿的老樹一下子變得滿滿盛放之餘,就連 SORA 的毛色也跟著變成粉紅透白的櫻花色。奇跡般的風景簡直令我目不暇給!


原來如此,就連櫻花樹也跟 SORA 是朋友啊。這傢伙果然讓人意想不到哩......


「這主意不錯!我現在就幫櫻老大開枝散葉去!」行動派的 SORA 一手搶去我手上的花瓣,又在其他紛飛的花瓣中隨便多挑幾塊之後,頭也沒回就跑下山。

「喂,你要去哪裡啊?」我看著 SORA 逐漸縮小的背影。

「去全世界不同地方撒下櫻老大的種子!」SORA 興高采烈地回答。


就是這樣。如果有誰看見 SORA,請叫他快點回來上課。我已經快要找不到藉口向班長隱瞞他為何那麼久沒有回校了......

Spring has come — the weather was getting warmer, and greenery was freshened. Yet, the cherry blossom tree on the mountain was still shrivelled. I wondered if it was sick. 

I told SORA about the cherry blossom tree with great concern. Still, he simply gave me a smile as reply, then pulled me to the front of the tree. 

"Hey! Cherry Blossom, sir! Spring has arrived! It's time to get up!" SORA yelled at the tree. 

Thereafter, some enchanting changes occurred to the cherry blossom tree, as if he was responding to SORA — green leaves grew on the gaunt branches, just as pink blossoms bloomed like popcorns one after another. Not just the old tree spruced up himself, the colour of the fur of SORA also changed into pinkish white — the same as the cherry blossoms. 

"I was born underneath this tree, he accompanied me all the time before I have my given name — we are old friends! Perhaps he overslept due to elderliness, still he is old but vigorous!"

Now I see, even the cherry blossom tree was a friend of SORA. He never failed to surprise me. 

"I hope more foxes would be able to enjoy such spectacular scenery." I said in relief, looking at the petal of the cherry blossom that had just gently fallen into my palms. 

"What a fantastic idea! I'm going to make Sir Cherry Blossom flourish!" SORA the activist grasped the petals in my palms, picked some among the falling, then went downhill without any hesitation. 

"Hey, where are you heading to?" I asked as SORA's back was dwindling from my sight. 

"I'm going to travel around the world to plant the seed of Sir Cherry Blossom!" SORA answered in great excitement. 


So, If you see SORA, do ask him to come to class. I couldn't find any more excuse to hide the fact from MONITOR, that he has been absent from class for such a long period....


