2017年11月17日 星期五




在熱鬧的操場上,我看見 LEILA 郁悶地站著。我想她應該是在等幼稚園部放學,然後接 MIA 回宿舍吧?

話說回來,LEILA 自開學以來都只是獨個兒活動,沒有跟同學玩,也沒有跟其他女生一起上洗手間。就連最會破冰的 SORA 也沒她辦法。相比起已經成為開朗活潑、人見人愛的幼稚園部校花 MIA,LEILA 好像仍然很不習慣學校的生活。


夏天就是這樣,天氣會突然轉壞。原本的藍天白雲轉眼就變成滂沱大雨。同學們都爭相離開操場躲避。就只有 LEILA 仍然站在原地。

「LEILA!快過來這邊避雨啦!你這樣會感冒的!」就在我正想過去把 LEILA 帶到樹蔭下的時候,班長拉住了我:

「你看,LEILA 笑了。」

仿佛被雨水溶化掉郁悶一樣,LEILA 興高采烈地在雨中跳舞,她的身體變成了湖水般的清澈藍色。雨水不斷落在她的身上,卻讓她看起來更加動人。

「終於下雨了!太好啦!你們不過來慶祝嗎?」LEILA 一邊跳著輕快而優雅的舞步,一邊邀請我們加入,讓我都有點想無視大雨跟她一起玩了。這個時候,我回望班長。

他就像剛才的 LEILA 一樣,一言不發地呆站著。臉頰好像有點紅紅的。



The summer this year was a great one! Sunny days were more then ever. Our classmates seized every good weather, and headed to the playground to exercise. 

It's MONITOR and my turn to be the proctors and maintain order in the playground today. 

I saw LEILA standing disconsolately on the spirited playground. She was probably going to pick MIA up and get back to the dormitory - MIA was still having lessons in the kindergarten department. 

Speaking of LEILA, she was always alone since the start of school year - she never plays with other classmates nor goes to toilet with girls. Even our icebreaking master SORA couldn't make a change. Contrasting to the most beloved MIA in the kindergarten department, LEIL hadn't gotten used to school life at all.

'Pitter-patter...pitter patter...'

Summers were like this, weathers turned bad all in a sudden - from clear to stormy. All students but LEILA rushed to take cover from the rain. 

'LEILA, come here! You will caught a fever!' I was going to take LEILA to a shelter. 

'Look, LEILA smiled.' MONITOR stopped me. 

As though the rain washed away her gloominess, LEILA danced in the rain blissfully. Her body turned into cardet blue, like a clear shimmering lake. The raindrops on her fur made her even more stunning. 

'Finally! It rains! Yay!! Aren't you guys gonna celebrate?' LEILA invited us to join her as she was dancing elegantly. Even I wanted to join her despite the rain. 

I looked at MONITOR. 

He was like LEILA before the rain - standing thoughtlessly. His cheeks seemed a bit rosy. 


Did he catch a fever? 


